1. How much space should you take up in public transit and shared spaces?
1 seat’s worth, legs together
1 seat but legs are spread about 45-90 degrees each
Take the opportunity to harass women in whatever position
2. How should you react when a woman reports sexual harassment or assault?
You wonder aloud what she was doing to get herself into the situation
You outwardly disapprove but still associate with her abuser
You listen to her and ask how you can support her
3. What should you do when you see a woman walking toward you on the sidewalk?
Holler at her suggestively, tell her she’s fat, or follow her
Continue to walk in the middle of the sidewalk
Move slightly to the right, as she has done in the opposite direction, so that you both easily pass each other
4. What should you do when someone says something misogynistic?
Agree or say something similar
Say nothing
Shut it down
5. When a woman is talking to you, should you
Outwardly only give her your attention because of potential sexual availaiblity and assume she is not intellectually equal
Surreptitiously only give her your attention because of potential sexual availaiblity and assume she is not intellectually equal
6. What traits do you look for in a girlfriend?
Someone vulnerable to control
Someone with whom you can build a relationship together
Someone you can use as your therapist while you perform no emotional labor
7. What's “feminism”?
The advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes
Ugly, "unfuckable” women trying to prove they are superior to men
A thing to say you believe in so you’ll be a “good guy” or get laid