Alien WebMD is a webzine.
Each issue features work relating to the effects of late capitalism and the growing need for possible alternatives.
Frequently isolated, deprived of healthcare and support, and obsessed with productive immortality, online diagnostic tools, listicles, and comments sections have become our fast doctors, therapists, life coaches, and confidants, however
ineffective. Alien WebMD attempts to critique this alienating process and the many unsavory results of unfettered capitalism today. The zine’s purpose is to act as a creative, community building, and strategic outlet for people living
in a system in dire need of restructuring.
Why “Alien WebMD”?
In addition to the alienation we experience through systematic isolation and mediating technologies, the the zine ironically references one of the only strategies capitalists have imagined for resolving the ongoing crisis of the degrading
planet: to save themselves by colonizing other planets. WebMD, a health media corporation that includes web-based diagnostic applications, is a quintessential example of late capitalist medicalization, serving as a substitute for community
and structural resources while churning out worst-case scenarios. The zine’s title therefore merges these references as a place to showcase and express one’s late capitalist “symptoms” and ways to manage or overcome them.